Monday, August 7, 2017

Is The Sabre Rattling at Russia and North Korea Really About the Looming Global Currency Reset?

The ridiculous unsubstantiated claims by the U.S. government Deep State operatives, formerly known as the Shadow Government when they were the neocon "bad" guys of the Republican Party, are apparently taking another turn for the worse. The sabres are assuredly being shaken, both at Russia and North Korea.

It is not like the U.S military is located a great distance from North Korea, as the U.S. military has stared them in the face since the early 1950s. And of course, Russia is...well, Russia. Whenever the Shadow needs to conjure up an enemy, there is always reliable ol' Russia. They are a mighty convenient Boogyman.

While Trump has been very vocal in his stance against PRNK, he has not been so agitated with Russia. That is, until the Shadow rattled the cages of Congress, forcing them to issue a strong-armed  directive that was falsely perceived as being presented by the government body that is actually supposed to represent the people.

The entire episode wreaks of K Street, and particularly AIPAC. And for some reason, even though Trump pointed out the order is flawed at best and pointless at worst, he signed it. Trump signed it surrounded by four upper-level generals of the U.S. military.  Now, the Deep State operatives are forcing American policy via coercion of Congress and, obviously,  President Trump.  In addition, they are also staring China in the face now when the nuclear talk begins.

While the talking heads of the corporate media paint a picture of Big Bad America against little ol' North Korea, they know Big Bad China is standing right behind them. Messing with North Korea is obvious political diversion.The same Noble Lie Archonic diversion is being utilized in the Russia probe as well, with Shadow Government operative Robert Mueller even interviewing people who rent apartments at Trump Tower.  And, all of this is happening at the same time it was revealed that current National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster gave former NSA operative Susan Rice "unfettered access" to top secret information.

Given her direct connection to the British royal family by virtue of marriage and her connection to the House of Rothschild by virtue of being a hand-chosen Rhodes Scholar directly out of college at George Washington University, it is almost as though a member of the British government has been allowed carte blanche access to new U.S. intelligence. If the enemy is from within, could she be an agent? Of course, she was also forced down the throat of Congress and the American people by Obama during a recess appointment following being flatly rejected as Secretary of State. The only special relationship the U.S. has with the City of London could be that they actually still own the them via the bankrupt U.S. Corporation.

The significance of this access does not go unnoticed by those who research these operatives. The invalid and illegal Shadow Government that has operated as the ghost in the machine since the Kennedy assassination has historically used the national security adviser position to issue orders directly to the United States president, along with the director of the ineptly-named CIA. While Bush was already on the Deep State team, Philip David Zelikow was still his canary. Zelikow also chaired the 9/11 Commission while Robert Mueller was FBI Director.

As always in the Noble Lie administration policy of the US. government, whoever that is, what is presented as the official line is not what is actually happening. What is actually happening behind the scenes is all about money, and not the money that is highlighted on a Wall Street that is zooming because investors are getting richer in droves and they have no place else to put their money. Which, by the way, is what the international financial barons want.

The uninformed dummies in the house of cards will fall like the victims of the World Trade Towers when it all crashes after the petro-dollar is taken out of de facto global currency status, as has been reported by former World Bank lead counsel Karen Hudes. Hudes is adamant that the International Coalition for the Rule of Law will override the Network of Global Corporate Control operated from the west, which will be removed from rogue power. There is currently no true global currency, as the petro-dollar served in that capacity while  OPEC would accept nothing but U.S. Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for oil.  That status is now changing.

The sabre rattling presented by the corporate media mouthpieces is all about confusing the American people into being "all in" for another war.  That war is the final stage of World War III.  The reason is not because the Shadow Government will not tolerate a nuclear North Korea or Iran. Every nation the United States has been at odds with is connected in some way to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and BRICS gold-backed financial alliance money system.  What it is about is taking the old guard of the financial west out of power while laying out a plan for world peace of which Trump happens to approve.  The question for the west will be how loyal the military is to the Deep State that wields power from the Shadow. And, it is all once again about money, and gold in particular.

Regardless of how economically distressed the corporate propaganda western media claims the BRICS nations actually are, the BRICS conglomerate is currently on course to pass the United States in percentage contribution to the world economy by year's end. And the IMF is legally bound to change the global currency if Russia and China file a formal request. Which, by the way, is exactly what they intend. The BRICS economic development initiative is now eminent unless the west does something to disrupt it, like start a global war.  It is just like the warehouse car mechanic in the Geico commercial says. "Oh, it is happening Sweetheart." The question is, will it be the GCR or World War III?

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Is the US Military Now in Control of the US White House?

Image result for hr mcmaster bio

The Anthony Scaramucci episode of Trump Administration White House politics was about as outlandish as it can get at the top of the American political heaps of Gehenna,  unless we discount the non-antics of a dysfunctional Congress.  However, when one evaluates the reality fallout of what has actually transpired, the obvious question that arises concerns who now actually controls the White House. Could it be the U.S. military? And if so, who controls the military?

When all factors are considered, the whole scenario carries a certain logic that trumps the notion that Trump is in charge. And, it begins with an old political diversionary tactic. When you have something big to cover up that is ordered from atop the Shadow Government, always invoke a ridiculous diversion to fill the airways with bovine excrement and take the air out of the reporting balloon.

Instead of making proper gravitational assessment of the obvious situation by the toothless watchdog media, a plan is hatched that gives the public a mushroom treatment of staged news diversion like Russia and North Korea, along with the now newly-hatched grand jury called by Shadow Government agent Robert Mueller. The corporate media is ultimately controlled by the same Archon corporation that controls the Shadow Government, with one possible exception.

The result of the antics in D.C. used in the ousting of Sean Spicer as Communications Director and Reince Priebus  as Chief of Staff is highly suspicious to some of us who pay close attention. It is a planned and choreographed NYC episode of Wall Street. What you are seeing is not what you are getting when dealing with a government that is bent on implementing and abusing the Socratic concept of Noble Lie Theory.

 Secret government is inherently either bad inept government or covert puppetry government. And, when the military of a sovereign nation surrounds a perceptive national leader with upper-level military personnel, it is indeed highly questionable, especially when that leader has praised the very entity that has him surrounded.

These military careerists could well have been appointed by the Crown Temple Corporation that could ultimately be the real Archon power within the US Shadow Government, now referred to as the Deep State. It is also the same corporation  that also authorizes professional credentials for every lawyer in the United States via the British Accreditation Registry, or the BAR.

The ultimate question arising from this suspicious surrounding of President Trump by the U.S. military heads is who is in control of the nuclear codes and who makes the decision to enter the command? All wars are ultimately banker wars. History has proven that. And the international currency and payment exchange system is currently in transition from the de facto petrodollar to the newly-proposed SDR. If all wars are economic in nature, as has already been proven, could this be a sign that Word War III is inevitable?

By the end of this year, the conglomerate of the BRICS banking nations will surpass the U.S. in contribution percentage to the world economy, meaning they can vote a change at the International Monetary Fund when they reach 15 percent.  In addition, the new gold-backed banking system that acts as a competitor to the SWIFT system controlled by the House of Rothschild means that the sanctions against Russia are pointless.  Russia can accept transfers through the new CIPS, or Chinese International Payment System.

This scenario could also mean that World War III is unavoidable if the financial interests in the west who are being taken out of power, i..e. the Crown Temple Corporation, actually have control of the U.S. military via career loyalists to the Shadow Government Archons. This list of military careerists also includes Chairman General Joe Dunford of the Joint Chiefs who has had an office in the White House since the Pope informed Congress that the U.S. Corporation and Federal Reserve Bank  are in official international financial receivership.  Dunford's mission was to monitor Obama. Their collective mission now may be much greater, and potentially more diabolic as well.  That puts Mattis, Kelly, McMasters, and Dunford all in a circle around President Trump.  

And speaking of questions, doesn't H.R. McMasters' head look like one of  the Annunaki skull exhibits from the History Network Ancient Aliens television series? Just sayin', could disclosure be the next step?  With McMasters as the "head" Shadow Draco? Just like when researching a truthful report on a breaking news story, the Devil is always in the details and it is always important to follow the money.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Susan Rice, The Royals & Rothschilds, and the Keystone XL Pipeline

It is showdown time for President Obama regarding approval of the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline as the time frame is ending for making a final decision on allowing the completion of the project. The pipeline is already finished in the areas that do not involve cutting through the Ogalala Aquifer, which has been the primary holdup. There is an alternate route that avoids possible contamination of this crucial food production water source, but the added expense of the extra construction is not acceptable to TransCanada. 

Of course, the cheapest route also includes the obvious potential for water contamination. For some of the individuals involved, this may be a desired unintended consequence. Every pipeline that has ever been constructed has leaked at some location at some point in time. But, the CEO of TransCanada is adamant that the water aquifer shortcut will be completed and President Obama will be signing the authorization. How would he know? This could possibly be per instruction from Susan Rice or Queen Elizabeth herself, as this statement was made to the company's stockholders in a meeting that did not include the two most powerful TransCanada stock holders and pipeline beneficiaries.  

However, I doubt Queen Elizabeth would waste her time talking to the lowly commoner and UK-US dual citizen U.S. president, as he is also one of her subjects, but would instead deliver instructions from British-educated Rhodes Scholar National Security Adviser Susan Rice. The Rothschild Dynasty has had control of the Rhodes Scholarship Foundation since the death of Cecil Rhodes, which focuses student curriculum on the transition to a one-world government. Of course, the "One World Order" will be controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Royals. Ain't nothing "new" about it. According to the late historian Eustace Mullins, it is just the World Order 2.0. Same old crap by the same old crappers.

Who Is Susan Rice?

Susan Rice's married name is Susan Rice Cameron. She has been married since 1992 to timber tycoon Ian Officer Cameron of the Cameron Canadian hardwood manufacturer. Her family is well known in the D.C academic and political communities, as her father is a professor at the Vatican Jesuit Georgetown University and her mother is a fellow at the Brookings Institute. The wealth of Ian Officer and Susan Rice Cameron is approximately $45 million dollars and they are heavily invested in TransCanada, as well as several other associated energy entities generally called Big Oil. The Cameron Clan is originally Scottish and is one of the wealthiest families in Canada, but they are still under subjugation to Queen Elizabeth II, as is Barack Obama.  In addition, her husband has been an executive television producer with ABC, producing the Sunday political discussion show "This Week" anchored by George Stephanopoulos. 

Of course, Stephanopoulos was also a member of President Clinton's staff and now is also co-anchor of ABC's "Good Morning America" in addition to the Sunday standard. It is interesting how former government officials wind up on corporate television in prominent personality roles. Cameron has moved on since pre-Benghazi problem days for wife Susan, the former U.S. UN Ambassador, who was criticized intensely during her consideration for Secretary of State. Why would a timber magnate with his excessive wealth want to be a television executive producer anyway? Could it be power to impact the national political narrative? One thing is for sure. ABC is all gaga over the British Royal Family. And, Rice would have been the official 
government cabinet member giving President Obama the go-ahead on signing the authorization, which would have been absolute conflict of personal financial interest. Now she can unofficially say "do it" with her fingers crossed and her checkbook in her hand.

As wife Susan made her power ascent, her millionaire husband backed away from public life. However, they did not sell any shares of TransCanada stock, said to possibly be in the range of $6-11 million dollars. The American people do not know for sure how much she stands to gain financially from completion of the pipeline because she only has to report her assets in a range. But, this financial relationship is still highly problematic for Rice because, after removing her name from consideration for Secretary of State, she was slammed down the throat of Congress in a presidential appointment to the chair of the National Security Advisory Council, replacing Chuck Hagel shortly after confirmation as Secretary of Defense and after Philip David Zelikow of the terribly-flawed  9/11 Commission Chair fame was fired by President Obama as a knee-jerk reaction to Edward Snowden's revelations. 

The informational link of Rice would be put in place regardless of the wishes of the people's governmental representative body. Her interests are in point-blank and direct conflict, but she can deliver the message via her uber-wealthy husband's family connections to the Queen. Rice is the Keystone XL Pipeline conduit from the City of London and that is why the TransCanada CEO knows what Obama will do. He knows who delivers the instructions and from what source they originate.

Who is The Queen of England?

HRM Queen Elizabeth II Saxe-Coburg Gotha Mountbatten "Battenberg" Windsor claims to be of the royal lineage of King Solomon claiming the divine right to rule, commonly called British Israelism. More recently, they claim connection to the bloodline of Russo-German King Odin who conquered the Holy Roman Empire after the death Charles Martin, or Charlemagne. They are essentially the royal family of Germany as well and a family that is obsessed with bloodline, finances and power. Prince Philip is also a member of the royal family of Greece, the Mountbattens (formerly Battenberg), and he is Queen Elizabeth's third cousin. Although the mainstream media presents the public image that they are a benevolent old royal family who is in place as a matter of tradition, she is still the official Head of State of Economic Affairs for all nations still under the "network" of the United Kingdom, regardless of the various national representative Parliament bodies. The residents of Scotland would say poppycock, boulder dash, and hogwash! There ain't nothing traditional about the Queen. She is still large and very much in charge, including the now-defunct USA Corporation that has been owned primarily by the Royals, Rothschilds, and Vatican National Bank since the Act of 1871 that suspended the Constitution of 1879 and put the US in "emergency" national status. There has been no valid government in the United States since that time. We have merely elected administrators that represent the Archon  bloodline creditors back to the people. 

All Parliament elections resulting in a new Prime Minister also include the new PM kneeling before the Queen and requesting the authority to form a government to conduct the people's business. Indeed, she has the power to suspend any UK Parliament and has done so on three different occasions during her 60-year rule. Notice that this constitutional monarchy model puts the Queen above the law, as her financial investments are commonly done with prior information concerning the markets. There is a solid stream of traffic all night when Parliament is in session. It includes all financial information associated with the passing of British law. When a commoner does this, it is insider trading. When the Queen does it, it is traditional and business as usual. And Susan Rice is their servant #1 in the United States.

This financial advantage in the City of London international financial control district is the primary traditional characteristic of Elizabeth II. Her subjects are still under subjugation, including Ian Officer Cameron and Barack Hussein Obama II, who changed his name in 1982 for some reason. The name "Hussein" is used in honor of Mohammed and denotes a certain kinship. He is a natural born citizen of the UK per his father's citizenship. There was no need to make Obama a Rhodes Scholar, as he was already loyalty-mandated. His marks may not have qualified him either. 

In addition, the Saxe-Coburg Gotha Red Dragon bloodline is also traceable to Mohammed. This would make the Queen a descendant of both Mohammed (Islam) and Solomon (Judaism), which in turn would make her both an Arab and a Jew. One thing is clear about HRM Queen Elizabeth II with respect to the UK. If a situation involves money, it will always be satisfied at her instruction. If it's about money, she is all about that.  

Who are the Rothschilds Behind the Curtain?

In addition to the immense international power that the British Royal Family silently wields, they also have the wealthiest family in the world right there with them. The Rothschild Dynasty is just like the Shoney's Big Boy. In many ways, contrary to media silence on their prolific international financial power, including subversive control of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the amount of U.S. debt they actually own, the Rothschild Dynasty never went away. On the by and large, they moved to Israel, where the Rothschild Family owns approximately 80% of the controversial and potentially mythical represented nation. Just like the Big Boy, they show up in various other corporate forms, like a Whopper or Wendy's Triple Decker compared to the Shoney originator. 

And, of course, they are infamously hedgemonically invested in oil, financial management, gold control, financial market manipulation, and the ever-popular international central banking national debt-trap business, as they own the Bank of International Settlements in Geneva, Switzerland. The BIS is the "central bank of all central banks," as Ron Paul once said. They also control the international money supply and have been known to crash national economies for subjugation and wealth growth reasons. 

In addition, the private international House of Rothschild banking cartel owns Reuters out right, and has since the mid 1800s. Reuters provides daily news and press information to the corporate media outlets in Europe, but the European residents are well aware of the tainted informational news narrative. In turn, Reuters also owns the Associated Press lock-stock-and-barrel, which is the American news outlet service, and generally operates as a news submission watchdog controlling what is presented in national newscasts and 24/7 national news channels. Ever wonder why the 5:30 national news is so much alike everyday on every national channel? It is because the Archon Bloodline Dynasty is filtering the narrative and mediating the talking points. 

The most important of those controls is any discussion of the Rothschild worldwide mischief involvement and the real power of the Queen, as opposed to the public myth attempt at covering up their morbid history and relentless power mongering obsession. This also includes any discussion of the fact that most of the marriages in both families are incestual on some level, often misrepresented by the mainstream prostitute media.

Very few Americans are in favor of the Keystone XL Pipeline, or the dakota Pipeline for that matter, because it makes very little sense and poses the absolute opportunity for disaster in the United States. All of the death am mayhem for the financial benefit of the TransCanada investors, the British Royal Family who owns the majority of property from which the toxic tar sands will be mined, and of course, Susan Rice Cameron, the controversial appointed National Security Adviser who sits directly on the shoulder of US-UK dual citizen President Barack Hussein Obama II where she can whisper the instructions. 

Noble Lie Theory in Protection of the Order of the British Empire

When Obama was running for President he famously said about the Iraqi War, "Take this to the bank. On day one after I am elected, we will begin withdrawing." The timetable on the withdrawal changed after the election. Apparently someone changed his mind. But, you can take this to the bank. Obama will sign the authority to run the toxic tar sand sludge through the Ogallala Aquifer or leave it for the next Archon Pinnochio Puppet President, instead of going rogue against the wishes of the City of London and the Queen. The instruction conduit is in place and his knighting, just like Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Rudy Guiliani after exiting office, may be in jeopardy. 

This could also be in addition to eventual ascension to the UN Secretary-General Chair for the "citizen of the world." He has already been awarded the Alfred Nobel Peace Prize for not inducing peace in Iraq until told to do so. The orders have been delivered and he is subjugated to the primary beneficiaries. And, as he has famously stated, he has a pen and intends to use it. And now Donald Trump suggests he will appoint Rice Cameron as National Security Adviser as well. The presidency has long been the personal possession of the Archon Demon Dynasty that includes the Royal, Rothschilds, and now the Rockefellers. Trump is apparently just the next puppet unless they can cheat him out of the office for their other darling demon Archon bloodline member Hillary Rodhamski Clinton Rockefeller. The Devil is alive and well and operating through his bloodline minions. Hurry up Immanuel, the meek are in trouble.